When you join our association, you have certain homeowner rights and responsibilities.
What is unique about the Homeowners Rights and Responsibilities document is that it sets forth the relative obligations and expectations of both Board members and owners. This is extremely helpful to get beyond the “us verses them” tension that arises when Board members believe that owners are only useful to the extent that they pay their assessments and follow the rules and when owners believe that a Board is only working properly when it keeps to itself and does not raise assessments. This document illustrates the tremendous potential that can be realized when a community is united in its goals.
This can serve as a mission statement for individuals within a community and may help guide them through a particular problem that may be filled with emotion and conflict. It may also help to demystify the function of an association board to owners who have little experience living in a common interest community. The principles outlined in Rights and Responsibilities can create a strong force to bring opposing parties together.More than a destination at the end of the day, a community is a place people want to call home and where they feel at home. This goal is best achieved when homeowners, non-owner residents and association leaders recognize and accept their rights and responsibilities.
According to the Community Associations Institute (CAI), community associations are arguably the most representative and responsive form of democracy found in America today. Residents of a community freely elect neighbors to serve on a board of directors of that community. Other owners or residents may serve on committees specifically tasked with overseeing association matters such as finances, security, architectural review and landscaping