Kudos to Wendy Sanders

This is a letter we received here at Liberty commending Wendy Sanders on her excellent work. This has now become a weekly thing here at Liberty. We love hearing from our homeowners and board members on any topic, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and let us know how we are doing.


Ms. Wendy Sanders,


Ms. Sanders, I would like to thank you  and commend you on the outstanding way you have kept the HOA at Oaks at Powers Ferry held together. We were not in good shape before you took over as our representative. Although we have had our ups and downs as a community, and there were those that fought everything you tried to do, we have come out pretty good.

I personally want to thank you for the assistance you gave my wife and I during the beginning of your job here and cooperating with us while we went through a tough time.

I hope that all the things that were promised at the last meeting come true. Most of the people in the complex do appreciate the work you do.

Thanks again.


Larry Fields